Sunday, November 7, 2010

First GAME!!!

  • Be at the school 6:00 PM
  • Hair up neatly in ponytail, all bangs pulled back.
  • Use bobbie pins to match your hair color.
  • Wear your hairbow with green,black & silver.
  • Wear black sweats with your black bodyliner & vest.
  • Don't forget to bring your skirt, spankies & NIKE shoes. (do not wear your shoes anywhere but the gym!)
  • Wear your ankle socks with black trim "cheer" on them.
  • Katie, Destiny & Aleiah....practice your arm motions for the end of the cartwheel cheer!
  • Aleiah.....practice standing on one foot....:D
  • ALL Girls, please practice the new sideline cheers & all of your floor cheers. Stand in front of a mirror so you can see your arm motions.
  • Cheer order: Introduction, 123, "it's time to fight", "cartwheel" cheer, then repeat 123 if we have another time out, or "get up, get up" if the game is close.
  • Martin County is not bringing their cheerleaders, so....we really have to step up! There may be some time outs that we don't have a floor cheer for, so we will need to run in front of the fans & do some cheers to get the crowd into the game.
  • Email, FB, Text or call if you have any questions!!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It is our tradition, the first day of school, we take a picture in front of the fireplace. Look how they have grown! Guess who is the oldest? Caroline is in the 4th grade, Connor is in 2nd. This year they switched schools to Allen Elementary. A little transition, but all is well as we enter the third week of school. Connor is playing football. Caroline is still in gymnastics. Below are pictures from Connor's first football game. He did great!!!!


Where have we been since the last blog entry?

Let's take a look.....

This would be The "Devil" and his posse at Bible Camp Skit Night.

Here we have a more heavenly view of the bay at St. George Island, Florida.

Caroline & Connor both had a great time. Connor loved hanging out with the guys. Caroline had her hair done everyday by Cheyenne & Madison.

5 days later......

We spent the next 12 days in Venezuela working for the Lord. This year we went on the mission trip as staff. This allowed us to experience another side of mission work. We were there earlier than the mission team. We were there to greet them at the airport, and there when they left for the U.S. We saw the northern part of the country, the mountains, desert & ocean all within a five hour bus ride. A highlight for us was being able to spend more time with Sandra's family. Craig broke a barrier with her Dad that nobody else was able to do. He has that affect on people. It is amazing how salvation only a month earlier changed a man who rarely even spoke last year, into a person who was part of everything that happened this year. Sandra's sister and neices are so dear to my heart. What I wouldn't give to bring them home with me. I could add so much more about Venezuela, our missionaries, but there just isn't enough time or words.
13 days, 3 missed flights later.....Back home to work.
Now it seems that the summer has just disappeared and fall is in the air. School is back in session, football has started, and the kids just seem to be growing up at a scary pace. Hope you all enjoy reading. I'll try and post a little more often!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Passion of the Christ

This night was to be a special night for me in that it would be Connor's first Communion as a Christian, but things don't always work out the way you plan. Caroline has been sick & just developed a fever again this evening. While trying to download music, I realized that one of my favorite sisters was home sick & thought enough about me to do a favor for me! Thanks SIS! I am listening to some awesome music that has lifted my spirits.

It seems that the theme of my blog is "how time flies!"....this seems to be all I talk about. It has been 2 months since my last blog. Five years ago when "The Passion of the Christ" first came out, Caroline was only four years old. She loved watching the movie. I had to really keep her from watching it alot because I thought she was too young. Tonight, we are going to watch it as a family...a family covered by the blood of Jesus, all SAVED, and proud of it!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Oh how they grow! Today was Connor's 7th Birthday! Seven years ago today a beautiful boy was born. He came into this world with a struggle. A collapsed lung led to NICU for a week. We now have a handsome, young man with a funny, yet mischevious personality. He has such a cute giggle. He is easy going & loves life. Earlier in this school year, he prayed & accepted the Lord into his little heart. Today, he celebrated his birthday, tomorrow, he celebrates again with his baptism. Thank you Jesus for our little boy. Thank you Jesus for our little girl. As you can see in the picture above---Caroline & I decorated Connor's room while he was gone to see the Monster Trucks with Craig, Jaxon & Randy. Thank you guys for a great birthday memory!

I have so many things I want to add to this blog, so stay tuned.....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reflection on the Past Week.

This has been one of the most trying weeks. I have been sadly reminded how quickly a life can be changed. With the death of Seth Lafferty, I was reminded how that I take my own children for granted. I didn't know Seth as well as some, but I was fortunate to spend many hours teaching him about Jesus. He touched so many with his smile and laughter. Especially Connor, he has had a hard time understanding. I don't know that I understand. Going through this in my own childhood makes me more able to relate to Curtis. My heart was so broken when I heard from his mom that he was blaming himself. I too, blamed myself (subconsciously) for the death of my brother. I tried for so many years to make it up to those around me by being a "people pleaser". Thank God that I finally am now striving to please only My Lord. I still struggle with the understanding that he loves me unconditionally. I want so much to be able to show others my love and for them to realize that I do it because I am loved by HIM. My prayer for Curtis is to realize that he too will see his brother again. Just as Chris talked about tonight---We are never without God, in death or life. This week has been mentally, spiritually, and physically challenging---Thank God for daily renewal!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Bristol Race, August 2008

Caroline Brooke

Craig in Venezuela

Caroline & Connor

First Day of School 2008
Wow how 2008 flew by! Here is a few reasons it went by so fast:

Craig continues to work at BJ Services, driving to Jenkins daily. He was promoted from Service Supervisor, then Field Supervisor, and then Operations Manager--all this year!!! He is now in charge of over 80 employees. The greatest blessing is a Monday thru Friday schedule with lots & lots of phone calls.

Carla still works as a PA & spends most evenings working on EBAY. We both spend a lot of time with church. I resigned from teaching in Worship Kidstyle to spend more time focusing on Youth and Missions. Not to mention, cleaning, cooking, doing homework, etc......

We'd like to share some of our most memorable highlights of 2008:
  • January-Connor's first skating party "DISASTER". It started with Caroline throwing up just prior to the party. While Connor was skating, he threw up in the middle of the skating rink. Craig tried to carry him (while also on skates), he fell and landed on Connor!!! Connor said "it was the worst party he had ever had in his life!"
  • February-Craig turned 36. Caroline cheered for Wesley Riders.
  • March-Caroline & Connor played basketball in the WCS Training league. Dad had a bout of shortness of breath, which lead to a heart stent at King's Daughters.
  • May-Craig lost his Aunt Jo to a sudden heart attack. While at Aldersgate, Caroline was "bucked" from a horse. Thank God she wasn't injured.
  • June-we spent my 35th birthday & Father's Day in Myrtle Beach Camping with Carl & Georgenia, and The Ousley's. Lori & Nathan were married in Florida.
  • July-our "LIFE CHANGING" Mission Trip to Venezuela. We enjoyed ministering with the churches in Venezuela. We fed the hungry, and were fed by the Spirit.
  • August-Back to School! Craig & I had a great chance to camp at the BRISTOL MOTOR SPEEDWAY!
  • September-Caroline turned 8, and had a sleep over party. We had the "Brammer" Family Reunion while camping at Carter Caves.
  • October-Halloween at Leo & Pearl's House. What a treat!!!
  • November-Connor had a successful hernia surgery. He bounced back extremely quick! Mom, Stacey, Kelsey, Lori & Nanny Rice all celebrated birthdays. Craig & I celebrated our 11th Anniversary with a weekend get-away to Lexington & enjoyed a UK Basketball game. I actually cooked Thanksgiving Dinner (believe it or not!).
  • December-We spent many nights at basketball games with Caroline cheering for WCS. There were several Christmas gatherings with the Rice's & McGlone's. We spent Christmas Eve at Mom & Dads and Christmas Day at home. Santa brought many wonderful gifts. The most popular gifts were the XBox 360, Wii Fit, "the drums", and Caroline's American Girl doll. Whew!!! No wonder I'm TIRED!!!!!
2009 is here and we are once again busy with new projects. We are currently working on our rental house, painting & preparing to sale. As you can see, we no longer have the time to spend on these kinds of projects. This year, I hope to spend more time with family & friends. I have only blinked for just a moment and my kids are half grown, I have been married over a decade, and I am getting older by the minute.
Melisa & Angie, you have me hooked. I love blogging!


Craig reading the "Christmas Story" while the kids wait PATIENTLY to open their gifts!